Get your company involved

Make a connection

No matter what size your organisation is, together we can make a real difference to the lives of lonely and isolated older people.

Nominate Friends  of the Elderly Ireland as your work place charity partner

Corporate Donations

A direct corporate donation to Friends of the Elderly goes straight to where it can be most effective in helping us to reach out to the elderly who are alone. We will also send you photos of the activities that your gift has supported.

Corporate Partnerships

Friends of the Elderly are very pleased to work with companies who decide to make us their ‘Charity Partner’ or ‘Charity of the Year’.

Our experienced fundraiser Dermot Kirwan can create a calendar of activities that are practical and fun for all your staff.

At the end of the year we will make a special presentation showing your company what has been achieved.


Many of our activities can be sponsored – our day trips; our Christmas parties; our Friendly Call Service; our Volunteer Training Programme.

Your company may like to be associated to these valuable social opportunities.

Pro Bono Skills

Your company has many people whose skills could help us to bring friendship to more elderly. Employees in the areas of IT, marketing and data input are always welcome.

Please contact Dermot at or call 01-8731855