
Make a difference in someone’s life – become a true friend.


A recent study found that being alone is the biggest fear of our increasingly elderly population and isolation can have devastating health effects.

Some older people feel isolated and lonely, they find themselves no longer able to do things we take for granted such as going shopping or  going out to lunch with a friend. With a little bit of extra support and kindness to help them manage life’s everyday challenges, build their confidence, have fun and experience new things their lives can be transformed.

 Do you know….being lonely is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day in terms of the negative impact it has on health.

Be a part of our team

Our greatest need is always for volunteers who can visit our older friends in their homes, hospital or nursing homes. It’s one of our most flexible volunteering opportunities and the benefits to both you the volunteer and the older person are remarkable.

If you have a few hours to spare, or would like to make a more long-term commitment, there are lots of ways you can get involved and help change someone’s life.

  • Visit older people at home, in hospitals and in nursing homes
  • Help at our social club
  • Make a friendly call to an older person
  • Drive an older person to a party or event
  • Volunteer in our charity shop
  • Help with our schools programmes
  • Have you expertise you could share such as office procedures, IT, marketing, social media skills

Get in touch

For further information please contact our volunteer coordinators or check out the section on how to apply.

 Please contact us on:

Email: info@friendsoftheelderly.ie

Telephone: 01-8731855